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May War-Time Economic Pulse (West Bank and Gaza)
In this iteration of our War-Time Perceptions in Palestine series, we take a comparative look at the social psychology and perceptions on economic issues between Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in light of the war in Gaza. The data collection was conducted between April 26 and May 9, 2024. Some findings of this research are contingent on the events that are still unfolding, and may change over the course of the war.
August War- Time Economic Pulse (West Bank and Gaza)
In the second iteration of our Wr-Time Economic Pulse in Palestine series, we take a comparative look at economic issues between Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in light of the war in Gaza. The data collection was conducted between 20-24 August 2024. Some findings of this research are contingent on the events that are still unfolding, and may change over the course of the war.